FOF Online Course November 2024

Dearly Beloved,

Warm greetings to you and yours!

Trust you are well and staying safe.

Thank you for registering and/or enrolling in the FOF Online Course September 2024 scheduled to hold from Sunday, 3rd November to 1st December 2024.

The Course topics and Class Online Session dates are as follows;

Time: 7:00 pm (WAT) 

Welcoming and Orientation - Sunday, 10th November

Class 1: The New Creation Realities - Saturday, 16th November

Class 2: Integrity of God's Word - Sunday, 17th November

Class 3: The Holy Spirit - Saturday, 23rd November

Class 4: What is Faith? - Sunday, 24th November

Class 5: Praise and Worship - Saturday, 30th November

Class 6: Prayer - Sunday, 1st December

Class 7: Love - Saturday, 7th November

Wrap-up Session: All Classes -  Sunday, 8th December

Please note the following: 

Mode of Delivery: 
The Foundation of Faith Online Course (FOF) will be delivered live via Zoom sessions. The course also includes:

1. Personal Study: 
Students shall receive class notes via email and on the class WhatsApp Groups (kindly find the link at the end of this message) ahead of each class. You are encouraged to pray, make the class confession and study the notes ahead of each class.

2. Group Activities: 
Students will be allocated to small groups where they will have opportunities to participate in group activities, and learn from and share with other believers.

3. Class Questions/Answers:
This is an opportunity for students to ask questions relating to the topics covered in each class. Classes hold via zoom at 7:00 pm (WAT) on the dates stated above.  

4. Class Attendance & Feedback: 
Students shall mark attendance and provide feedback for each class using the feedback links for each class to be shared via email and on the WhatsApp group. Please take note of the 4-digits attendance code which shall be stated/mentioned by the teacher before the end of each zoom class. Students are expected to provide the code in the class feedback to confirm their attendance of the class. 
Please use the same name and email address used in registering for FOF while completing the Attendance and Feedback form. This is of utmost importance as it is the only way to confirm attendance and qualify for a certificate of completion.

Click on the link below to join the Main WhatsApp Group for the Session:

For further inquiries, please send an email to

We wish you an impactful and life-changing experience with God's Word.

Thank you and God bless you.


  • Class 1: The New Creation Realities : Starts 16/Nov/2024

    A teaching on the reality of our redemption in Christ; on who we are in Christ and the implications of His death, burial and resurrection to the Believer.

  • Class 2: Integrity of God's Word : Starts 17/Nov/2024

    A teaching on the efficacy and potency of the Word of God. The Word of God is a "more sure word of prophecy''.

  • Class 3: The Holy Spirit : Starts 23/Nov/2024

    A teaching on the personality of the Holy Spirit; the third person of the Trinity. An exposition on His indwelling in the rejuvenated Christian's spirit and His ministration in such a Christian's life.

  • Class 4: What Is Faith? : Starts 24/Nov/2024

    A teaching on the principle of faith as part of the lifestyle of the Believer.

  • Class 5: Praise and Worship : Starts 30/Nov/2024

    A teaching on the lifestyle of praise & worship as a core foundation of the Believer's walk with God.

  • Class 6: Prayer : Starts 01/Dec/2024

    A teaching on the practicality of prayer and constant communication with God, through the Holy Spirit.

  • Class 7: Love : Starts 07/Dec/2024

    A teaching on the love of God towards man, and on the love of God a rejuvenated Christian should show towards other men.